Su Thompson creates faceted slab built stoneware vessels. Glazed with personally formulated recipes.
She muses around the technique of faceting, which is her current passion; an action of slicing through firm clay, peeling back the excess to reveal the newly chiseled surface.
Some of her pieces have necks added to them. Thrown off the hand built body. These explore the juxtaposition of an irregular hand built shape, with the centred qualities of thrown clay. Her jar forms enjoy the contrast of a decisive cut, to reveal a lidded vessel.
All of her work is glazed with personally formulated recipes. They have been chosen for their specific qualities, focusing on how they sit and move on the geography of the pot, seeking variations in colour and texture. These muted colours and surfaces are inspired by the natural landscape of the South Wales coastline. A coherent colour palette which has a range, manoeuvring between matte and gloss glaze effects.